Wednesday, November 6, 2019

External Structure of Poetry Essays

External Structure of Poetry Essays External Structure of Poetry Paper External Structure of Poetry Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Rhyme the sameness of sound between words or syllables Feminine Rhyme sameness of sound of unaccented syllables Masculine Rhyme sameness of sound of accented syllables End Rhyme sameness of sound at the end of the poems line Rhyming Couplet sameness of the last words of the last two lines of a poem Rhyme Scheme to mark a poems rhyme pattern using a lettering system Aliteration the preposition of sound consonants at the beginning of a word Onomatopoeia use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning Assonance the repetition of similar vowel sounds Stanza group of lines Quatrain stanza of 4 lines Refrain word, phrase or line repeated regularly Blank Verse poetry that has rhythm but no set rhyme Line arrangement playing with the arrangement of lines of a poem to create a visual effect Free verse no rhythm or rhyme Scansion to mark a poem into its rhythm pattern Rhythm alteration of sound Foot a measured pattern of sound U Short unstressed syllable I Long stressed syllable iambic UI trochaic IU Pyrrhic UU Spondaic II Anapestic UUI Dactylic IUU Meter one measured foot of rhythm (line) Monometer one meter per line Dimeter two meters per line Trimeter three meters per line Tetrameter four meters per line Pentameter five meters per line UI UI iambic dimeter IUU IUU IUU IUU dactylic tetrameter Masculine Endings Uses a ^ to complete the meter

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